Почему отвалилась цепь экскаватора? Apr 05, 2023

There are many reasons for the drop Chain of the excavator. n addition to the dirt or stones and other impurities in the track of ttexcavator, which will cause the excavator to go of the chain, there are also failures in the Carrier roller, sprocket, chain guard aither places that wil cause the excavator Off-chain. in addition.improper operation can also cause the excavator to disconnect.

1. The Idler roller is damaged

When checking the idler, check whether the screws on the ldler of the excavator acessories are missing or broken. Is there any modifhcation to the groove of the card idler?

2. Carrier roller damage

Under normal circumstances, the leakage of oil seal of the Carrier roller of the excavator will cause serious wear of the carrier roller, which will cause the track to fall off the chain.

3.Wear of sprocket

For sprocket, if it is severely worn, we need to replace it. This is also an important reason for the excavator to go of the chain.

4. Wear of chain guard

At present, almost all excavator parts have chain quards on the crawler tracks, and the chain quards can play a vervimportant role in preventing chain disconnection, so it is also very important to check whether the chain guards are worn.

5. Track wear

If it is used for a long time, the track must be worn, and the wear of the chain ribs on the track and the chain barrel of theexcavator will also cause the track to fall off the chain.

6. Failure of the track adiuster cylinder

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