Экскаватор против бульдозера: что лучше для расчистки земли? May 26, 2023

Bulldozer and excavator aren't as expensive as other types of heavy machinery,so it's easy tp see why so many people opt for one or the other.However,both of these machines are better at performing different functions,so how are you supposed to konw which is right for clearing your plot of land?

Excavator are great for clearing land the has a lot of fallen trees,shrubs and debris on the ground.Bulldozer are better if you want to remove standing trees,boulders and other large debris.The best solution is to use bulldozers to knock everything over and excavator to remove it all.

Throughout this article, you’ll also learn the following information about using excavators and bulldozers to clear land:

  1. Which one is the best choice for your situation
  2. Problems associated with bulldozers and excavators for clearing land
  3. Другие вещи, которые вы должны учитывать, прежде чем выбрать любой из них

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